Thursday, May 7

Decisions, Decisions...

Team Phoenix met on Monday, 04 May to discuss their plans for the upcoming season. From fundraising to training, the team covered all of their bases (and whiteboards) at this meeting!

Team Phoenix plans to increase the amount of time that they spend on fundraising: the team's average rate of growth from year to year requires additional funds. The team discussed ideas in terms of corporate sponsorships and private donations. The team also brainstormed ideas for fundraising, ranging from pancake breakfasts to custom water bottles.

The team is planning to meet during the summer, in order to develop plans for training and the upcoming mini-build season. The team might open up the mini-build competition to other teams as well, in the coming years. This will strengthen the bond between the teams in the area, and it will also foster a spirit of healthy competition.

The election for subteam leads will take place on 18 May.

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